Photography as Meditation  





Learn How To Find Peace and Presence in a Fast Paced World,

While Seeing Your Creativity Go Next Level. 




"This 6-week course changed my life. I found peace I never new existed."


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A  Mindful Photography Practice is the Easiest Way to Peace and Connection 


Are you among the many stressed-out professionals seeking relief from the chaos of your daily grind? You know meditation would help, but you can't sit still. You mind is always racing, thinking about your to-do list. 

I've been there too! But through my journey, I've found solace in my photography practice. Let me guide you through Photography as Meditation, where you'll discover how to achieve inner peace without the need to sit still—just you, your camera,(yes, even your phone's camera!) and a path to tranquility.



Benefits of Photography as Meditation

Reduced Anxiety

Embrace the proven power of mindfulness on mental well-being. By immersing yourself in the present moment, slowing down, practicing gratitude, and releasing neurotransmitters that enhance mood, behavior, and focus.

Increased Creativity

Unleash your creative genius, capturing images that resonate with your soul and reflect your unique spirit, igniting immense pride with every frame.


Improved Relationships

Enhance connections both in your photography subjects and personal relationships by infusing awareness and appreciation, fostering patience, intention, and intimacy.

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In today's fast-paced world, anxiety, disconnection, and frustration have become all too familiar. This turmoil can strain our relationships, undermine our well-being, and even impact our professional lives.


Photography as Meditation is a transformative practice that offers tools for serenity and connection. Through this program, you'll rediscover the art of savoring moments, finding joy in the ordinary, and reveling in the magic that surrounds us.


After 6 weeks, you'll have developed a habit of practicing creative techniques to summon joy and tranquility, no matter how fast the world is around you.


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This Course Brings You

6 Weeks of Instruction and Assignments 

Access 6 weeks of transformative instruction and engaging assignments. Seamlessly connect from any device to begin your journey. It is best to complete at least one assignment per week however the course is designed to Go At Your Own Pace. 

Conscious Creators Community - Lifetime Membership 

Join a warm and supportive community of like-minded individuals on a shared path to clarity, creativity, and curiosity. While the benefits of mindfulness can be attained individually, the strength of a supportive group is immeasurable. Given that consistency is key to transformation, there is a live meetup scheduled for the first Tuesday of each month. The group provides encouraging accountability to keep you on track. 

Replays and Galleries

I know we're all busy and can't always make it to the live sessions. Enjoy access to replays and a gallery of shared photographs, ensuring you never miss a beat. Sharing weekly assignments is a cherished highlight, uniting us in our progress.

Special Guests

In addition to photography and meditation, I like to integrate other mindful practices to enhance overall well-being. I invite leaders, practitioners, and experts to share their wisdom and experience with us- such as other photographers, meditation teachers, and breathwork practitioners. Expect a few delightful surprises along the way!

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Photography as Meditation 

Course Curriculum

On the other side of this program, you will have realized how to use photography to shift from a negative frame of mind to a positive mindset instantly. Presence, awareness, and gratitude will become second nature to you. You'll melt away any anxiety or mental noise by slowing down and becoming present. With a diverse group of like-hearted folks from around the globe, we will keep each other accountable while turning new knowledge into daily habits. These habits will lead to further joy, fulfillment, and purpose. Whether or not you consider yourself an artist, by the end of the program, you will have a body of artwork that you will be proud of and cherish forever.

Week 1

Explore without Expectation


Embrace the journey of exploration without expectations, focusing on the unlimited possibilities of intention as the ultimate goal.

Week 2

Observe with Curiosity


Discover the world with curiosity, seeing it anew through the lens of wonder, asking questions, and capturing answers with your camera.

Week 3

Employ All 5 Senses


Heighten awareness by engaging all five senses, grounding yourself in the present moment and experiencing the positive effects of heightened sensory perception.

Week 4

Revere Light / Acknowledge Shadow


Embrace the beauty of light and shadow, integrating their characteristics into your being to deepen your connection with the world.

Week 5

Enter the Zone / Go with the Flow


Enter a meditative state, feeling fully connected to your surroundings, as your camera becomes an extension of yourself, capturing the energy and wonder of the moment.

Week 6

Give Thanks


You will inevitably feel gratitude, so we give thanks through our photographs. It is the expression of gratitude that locks the experience into our memories and inspires these feelings to surface in other moments of our life.

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What Students are Saying...

I love everything about the Photography as Meditation course and the way photographer Kristopher Grunert approaches art and wellness. A grounded and inspirational artist, I discovered Kris is also a passionate guide and mentor. With openness and encouragement, Kris thoughtfully generates an enjoyable group process into the creativity of photography, awareness and meditation. Exploring ways I can incorporate the principles of photography as meditation into my daily life was a valuable experience that I continue to practice and benefit from. Genuinely one of the best decisions I've ever made. 
Kae Donais - Toronto, Canada

I hadn’t taken a photography class since high school. Photography as Meditation struck me as an opportunity to get in touch with “who I am being” while taking photographs, rather than solely focusing on the subject. I now have a new perspective on viewing photo subjects. We are in conversation. I listen with my heart. The photographs I took during class felt different. I feel different. Now, even when I don’t have my camera (my phone) with me, I am more present to all that surrounds me.

Diane Rose-Solomon - Los Angeles, CA

I had a wonderful time learning in the Photography as Mediation course with Kristopher last fall. Kristopher’s extensive knowledge of photography and warm personality made the course very enjoyable. Although I have been interested in photography for some time, Kristopher’s guidance helped me be more present, let go of expectations, cultivate curiosity, and feel more connected, especially to nature.  It is a great opportunity to expand creativity and adapt meditation skills that make photography more enjoyable. I highly recommend participating in Photography as Meditation course.

Fabrizio Claudio - Washington, DC 

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Hi there! My name is Kristopher Grunert. I’ve always been aware that my photographs have a meditative quality to them but it wasn’t until I started a daily conscious breathing practice that I realized I had been meditating without meditating for the last 25 years. Since then, I’ve further deciphered my process and developed the framework for PM. This journey has not only enriched my artistic pursuits, but has profoundly impacted my role as a father to my son Luke and partner to my wife, Mar. Through PM, I've learned to be more present, more attuned, and more empathetic. Now, I'm eager to share this incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation with you. Together, we'll uncover the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

Join the Journey!

Here's what you will receive:


  •  6 recorded weekly lectures and assignments 
  •  Access to live monthly online meetups first Tuesday of the month
  •  Lifetime access to course materials and recorded monthly meetups
  •  Lifetime Membership to the Conscious Creators Community 

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Purchase this Course & Membership as a gift. 



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Purchase this Course & Membership

2 monthly payments  


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I unconditionally guarantee your satisfaction with all my offerings. If you are not satisfied after listening to each weekly lesson, completing and posting each weekly assignment to the community, simply email me with a refund request within 14 days and I will issue a full refund.

Frequently Asked Questions 

If you have any other questions, please email [email protected].

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